Few Ping Pong Trick Shots You Must Know in 2018

Ping Pong is a popular 2 or 4 player that is played all over the world, by all age group people. It mainly involves a ping pong table, ping pong paddle, and a ping pong ball. But this game is currently on the rounds with people posting their Ping Pong trick shots involving the game and other cool stuff.

You could try out a few of them at home, whereas there are some others who are currently on a different level with this PING PONG thing.

Few Ping Pong Trick Shots You Must Know in 2018

Precision and Timing, the two crucial things which are a must for a perfect Trick Shot.

There are two categories when we talk about the Ping Pong tricks; one is either you could set a homely background for the trick. The second option involves huge gigantic things that requires more investment and a huge space area too.

If you search on the Instagram, you will find many of the accounts that are dedicatedly working in this Ping Pong Tricks only. So you could take some inspiration from there too.

Otherwise, YouTube is always there anytime! It’s important that you consider the place to buy ping pong table if you want to make a quality purchase.

I will list out a few random videos which I found new and interesting. Something that can give you better ideas!

#1 EpicBruv tried a no-look vase ping pong shot and posted it on his Instagram account. This way even you could try out a ping pong trick using a simple vase at home. IT MAY SEEM EASY BUT IT ISN’T!

Just TRY TRY! 

#2 Another type of Ping Post is something which involves anything along with the Ping Pong game. Check out how the ponginfinity team tried their hands on playing the ping pong game using a Tong! 

You may say it’s not a trick shot video, but still have you ever thought of playing the game with a Tong?


#3 Next we have our very own, Dude Perfect! They are the Pro Ping Pong experts, who have been into the posting the tricks for a long time. This team posts more ping-pong videos on YouTube, and this is why I didn’t find any video on Instagram. 

Find this latest Trick Shot video number 4 posted on July 2, which has already hit almost 2 million likes. This rightly justifies the caption, taking the tricks into the craziest level yet.   

#4 This pingpongkid is killing it all the way. He has a total of 85 posts till this date, with amazing followers of nearly 24K! 


#5 What to say about this skill shot! How did he even do that? Mystery!


So, these are a few of my favorite online Ping Pong Trick Shots that I have seen online. Which one did you like the most? Comment your answer below, and for more such interesting feeds follow us on sportsdeckblog!